Multi-purpose Template

Create Your Website

Online users like being part of a group. It’s why social media sites are so popular. People like being able to identify with others. You can piggyback off of this truth by including call to action messaging on your website that helps people understand they are becoming a member of a group. Use this type of statement to send people directly to sign up pages, product pages, or other offer pages.

Amazing Things for You

Always write benefits over features. Mention all the benefits or services with some real examples. Focus on how you can help and benefit your user. Use simple words so that you don’t confuse people.
Say as much in as few words as possible.

Speak directly to users using you not I or we.

Call to Action

Your website visitors aren’t just looking for compelling links and messages to your product pages. They are also on the lookout for exclusive offers that will help persuade them to actually follow through with purchasing your goods or services. The messaging you use in a call to action statement like this is important. Online users like to feel like they are being individually rewarded online, so using words like “exclusive” can be an effective way to increase the likelihood that a visitor will actually click on a link included in a call-to-action message or button—and follow through with a purchase.